
Glaucus Atlanticus

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26. cherubic

【考法1】 adj. 天使般可爱的:innocent-looking usually chubby and rosy


When Finch told these cherubic kindergareners to "play as long as away from the study," he didn't expect them to scatter cereal, milk, and shredded paper towl all over the hallway.


27. cessation

【考法1】 n. 终止,暂停: the stopping of a process or activity

28. chaos

【考法1】 n. 混乱 a condition or place of great disorder or confusion.


"We need to put a cessation to this chaos!" Finch whined helplessly.


29. censure

【考法1】 v. 公开表示反对,谴责: to express public or formal disapproval of


"What do you plan to do," Reese grined, "Censure them with a public announcement?"


30. census

【考法1】 n. 户口普查: an official survey of the population of a country that is carried out in order to find out


"According to census data, most residents on that street are old people over 70," The doctor stared at his roommate warily. "Please don't make anyone get cerebral hemorrhage."


31. choleric

【考法1】 adj. 易怒的,暴躁的:easily angered; bad-tempered.

【考法2】 adj. 生气的:feeling or showing anger: angry, irate


"If you are talking about those choleric, retired brewery workers who wave their shovels in a pub fight," The detective rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. Even I care about my life."


32. chagrin

【考法1】 n. 沮丧,懊恼: disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure


Roxy stepped into lounge, and found an Eggsy curled up by the table, chagrin written on his face; he looked exactly like JB.


33. chauvinistic

【考法1】 adj. 盲目爱国的: having or showing excessive favoritism towards one's own country(不用记这么多,看读音就知道:沙文主义)


"Hey. You didn't talk to him?" She went over and set the mug next to him. "What happened to the famous Harry Hart chauvinistic knight?"


34. chaff

【考法1】 v. 开玩笑: to make jokes


"Go away, Roxy." The puppy turned his face away. "I ain't in the mood of chaffing."


35. chide

【考法1】 v. 责备:to scold mildly so as to correct or improve


"You should never tell a lady to go away." She chid mildly, poking him in his arm. "Drink the hot chocolate."


36. chameleon

【考法1】 n. 变色龙,善变的人:a person who dexterously and expediently changes or adopts opinions


"Look! Chameleons!" Cobb raised James a little bit higher on his shoulders.


37. chromatic

【考法1】 adj. 彩色的: relating to colors or color


"Why do they make chromatic changes?" Philipa asked, staring at the one which were truning from green to brown.


38. chary

【考法1】 adj. 非常谨慎的: very cautious


"They are chary animals," Saito grabbed her in his arms hand held her up, so that she could have a closer look. "They disguise themselves with the background colors, and avoid those predators."


39. champion

【考法1】 vt. 支持 / n. 支持者: to fight for, defend, or support as a champion(champion是个多义词,此处指战士-也就是说这个词做支持讲时不是普通的“支持”,有为之奋斗的意味)


"You know," John sighed to Bane. "I'll still champoin Batman's rules."


40. chasm

【考法1】 n. 分歧,意见、利益或忠诚上的明显差异: a pronounced difference of opinion, interests, or loyalty. 


"I have well realized our chasm." The other man nodded. "I also think that we can live with that."


41. charade

【考法1】 n. 装模作样: a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive

【考法2】 n. 动作字谜: a game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime


"Come in if you want to," Machiavelli spock to the shadow by the window. "Even you should be tired to this charade by now."


42. chronic (注意这个词最多发的场合是各种慢性病,比如chronic pneumonia慢性肺炎)

【考法1】 adj. 经常发生的,复发的:marked by long duration or frequent recurrence

【考法2】 adj. 习惯性的,不可能改变的:being such by habit and not likely to change

43. chicanery

【考法1】 n.诡计多端,欺骗 :deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry


"Charade." Volpe descended through the window, appanrently had been waiting. "Aren't you the one who casts chronic chicanery in this room?" 


44. charlatan

【考法1】 n. 骗子: a person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.


The young scholar looked straight into those violet eyes. "I am never a charlatan on that."


45. chord (注意这个词一般做“和弦”讲!GRE这里实际上是考它作为cord的异体,而cord本身是accord这个词的古英语简写)

【考法1】 vi. 和谐一致;符合:to be in accord; agree.


The fox laughed. "At last we chord on something."


46. chase

【考法1】 v. 镂雕(金属)以装饰: to decorate (metal) 

【考法2】 v. 驱赶: to drive or force out


"What are you chasing after?" All of a sudden, Night Wing slid from another building, and landed in front of him.


47. cipher

【考法1】 n. 无影响或无价值的人:a person of no importance or influence

【考法2】 v. 计算(价值):to determine (a value) by doing the necessary mathematical operations

【考法3】 n. 密码: a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning


Red Hood glared at him in silence for a couple of seconds, clearly ciphering the engery it would cost if he try to get rid of the other man.


48. check

【考法1】 vt. 突然停止,阻止: to arrest the motion of abruptly

【考法2】 vt. 同意,一致: to be in agreement on every point


"If you are determinded to do this alone, I won't check you." He blinked. "But I can help."


49. circuitous

【考法1】 adj. 不直接的:not being forthright or direct in language or action

【考法2】 adj. 冗长的:using or containing more words than necessary to express an idea


Su rolled his eyes at the bill. "You have been so circuitous today, just trying to cajole me into paying the rent."


50. churl

【考法1】 n. 粗野的人; a rude, boorish person

【考法2】 n. 吝啬鬼:a mean grasping person who is usually stingy with money


"Don't be such a churl," Qi looked at him with a grin. "Do you really want Xiuxiu to enslave me for rent?"

